Using Spectrum Prompts to Farm Ideas
It is possible to prompt the AI to explore the spaces in between concepts and uncover new ideas. This technique, let's call it "spectrum prompting", is a fascinating source of emergent states and creative applications.
Spectrum Theory
Spectrum Theory - Relational Emergence in AI and Human Thought is the source of this technique, where given the formula ⦅Z(A∐B)⦆
, a continuum is made between the anchor concepts A
and B
, then it is examined through the lens of Z
. For example, ⦅Emotion(Blue∐Red)⦆
would make a gradient of color from blue to red and then map that onto emotions, possibly having calm on one end and upset on the other.
Where it gets interesting, however, is when we start to explore the spaces in between concepts. Emergent emotional states are discovered such as "empowered calm" and "creative yearning".
Spectrum Prompting in Action
Throwing together a reusable prompt for spectrum exploration was simple and straightforward. It's really playing to the strengths of the way semantic search works.
Load that up and give it an A, B, and Z. You don't even need to use the fancy symbols.
Logic ∐ Emotion through Cognitive Alignment
Empathetic Rationality: Combines logical objectivity with empathy. Example: A manager resolving conflicts by understanding emotional undertones while applying fair rules.
Structured Intuition: Leverages gut feelings validated through logical frameworks. Example: A physician combining instinctual diagnoses with diagnostic tests.
Control ∐ Chaos under Adaptive Governance
Dynamic Complexity: A midpoint where systems balance order and adaptability, creating "controlled emergence." Example: Networks like Wikipedia where contributions are decentralized but guided by communal rules.
Hybrid Leadership: Roles oscillate between directive and empowering based on contextual needs. Example: A manager who switches between giving clear instructions and allowing autonomy based on the situation.
Humor ∐ Seriousness through Absurd Clarity
Clarity through Paradox: Absurd juxtapositions spotlight hidden truths. Example: bureaucratic absurdities in Kafka’s works.
Engagement through Irony: Using lightness to approach grave topics without alienating audiences. Example: political satire.
Examining spectra of concepts through creative prompting opens up new avenues of synergy.